Set up plug-in

Create a new template

  1. Click "Template" on the left
  2. Click the page which should get a template
  3. Click the button "Click here to create an extension template"




Integrate static template

  1. Click "Template" on the left
  2. Click "Edit complete template data set"
  1. Click tab "Contains"
  2. Click under "Include static template" in the area "Available objects" on "Amazon Pay". The  object is then shown in the list "Selected objects"
  3. Safe and close the document

Set constants




  1. Click "Template" on the left
  2. Select "Constants editor" from the top of the drop-down menu
  3. Click "Amazon Pay" under category

Meaning of the constants

Start with plugin.tx_amazonpay.

Title Constant Note
Amazon-Pay records settings.container.payment Storage location of data sets
Amazon-Pay checkout settings.pages.checkout Page ID of checkout
Activate debugging settings.debug Activates debugging
Run in sandbox mode settings.sandbox Run Amazon Pay in test mode. A sandbox account is required
Amazon payments URL settings.url
Client ID settings.clientId Amzaon client ID
Seller ID settings.sellerId Amazon seller ID
Access Key ID settings.accessKey Amazon access Key ID
Secret Access Key settings.secretKey Amazon secret access key
Name of the store settings.storeName Name of shops
Prefix for the order id settings.orderIdPrefix
Path to template root (FE) view.templateRootPath EXT:amazon_pay/Resources/Private/Templates/
Path to template partials (FE) view.partialRootPath EXT:amazon_pay/Resources/Private/Partials/
Path to template layouts (FE) view.layoutRootPath EXT:amazon_pay/Resources/Private/Layouts/